phakellistatin 6
- Norine ID: NOR00528
- DOI: 10.26097/nor00528
- Family: phakellistatin
- Synonym(s): phakellistatin 6;
- Activity: antitumor
- Category: peptide
- Formula: C47H62N8O7
- Monoisotopic mass: 850.474146378 g/mol
- Comment: Phakellistatins are putative NRPS products (no synthetase genes identified)
- Source: norine
- Contributor (creation): Norine Team [CRIStAL (UMR CNRS 9189), ex-LIFL, France, Charles Viollette Institute, ProBioGEM team, Lille, France, University of Lille, France]
- Entry information:
- status: putative - change status to non-NRP (Norine validators only)
- last modification date: 2018-09-12 by Mickael Chevalier [Charles Viollette Institute, ProBioGEM team, Lille, France, University of Lille, France]
- view all entry history
- Phakellia sp.
- Links between organisms producing the phakellistatin 6: Phakellia sp.
- Antineoplastic agents 323. Isolation and structure of phakellistatin 6 from a chuuk archipelago marine sponge
Pettit GR, Cerny RL, Chapuis JC, Cichacz Z, Williams MD, Xu JP, Bioorganic and medicinal chemistry letters , 1994, 4 (22), pp. 2677-2682