- Norine ID: NOR00210
- DOI: 10.26097/nor00210
- Family: chrysobactin
- Synonym(s): chrysobactin;
- Activity: siderophore
- Category: peptide
- Formula: C16H23N3O7
- Monoisotopic mass: 369.153600105 g/mol
- Source: norine
- Contributor (creation): Norine Team [CRIStAL (UMR CNRS 9189), ex-LIFL, France, Charles Viollette Institute, ProBioGEM team, Lille, France, University of Lille, France]
- Entry information:
- status: curated - change status to non-NRP (Norine validators only)
- last modification date: 2018-12-01 by Emma Ricart Altimiras [Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, SIB]
- view all entry history
- Erwinia chrysanthemi
- gram: negative
- synonyms: Pectobacterium parthenii,Pectobacterium chrysanthemi,Dickeya chrysanthemi,Pectobacterium parthenii var. dianthicola
- taxid: 556 (view NCBI taxonomy browser)
- Erwinia carotovora carotovora
- gram: negative
- synonyms: Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum, Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora
- taxid: 555 (view NCBI taxonomy browser)
- Links between organisms producing the chrysobactin: Erwinia chrysanthemi, Erwinia carotovora carotovora
- Isolation, characterization, and synthesis of chrysobactin, a compound with siderophore activity from Erwinia chrysanthemi
Persmark M, Expert D, Neilands JB, The Journal of biological chemistry , 1989, Feb 25,264(6):3187-93.
pubMed: 2914949
- Chrysobactin-dependent iron acquisition in Erwinia chrysanthemi. Functional study of a homolog of the Escherichia coli ferric enterobactin esterase
Expert D, Rauscher L, Matzanke BF, Trautwein AX, The Journal of biological chemistry , 2002, 25,277(4):2385-95.
DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M107530200
pubMed: 11694506