AM-toxin II
- Norine ID: NOR00306
- DOI: 10.26097/nor00306
- Family: AM-toxin
- Synonym(s): AM-toxin II;
- Activity: toxin
- Category: peptide
- Formula: C22H29N3O5
- Monoisotopic mass: 415.210721053 g/mol
- Source: norine
- Contributor (creation): Norine Team [CRIStAL (UMR CNRS 9189), ex-LIFL, France, Charles Viollette Institute, ProBioGEM team, Lille, France, University of Lille, France]
- Entry information:
- status: curated - change status to non-NRP (Norine validators only)
- last modification date: 2018-12-01 by Emma Ricart Altimiras [Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, SIB]
- view all entry history
- Alternaria alternata
- taxid: 5599 (view NCBI taxonomy browser)
- Links between organisms producing the AM-toxin II: Alternaria alternata
- Cloning and characterization of a cyclic peptide synthetase gene from Alternaria alternata apple pathotype whose product is involved in AM-toxin synthesis and pathogenicity
Johnson RD, Johnson L, Itoh Y, Kodama M, Otani H, Kohmoto K, Molecular plant-microbe interactions : MPMI , 2000, Jul,13(7):742-53.
DOI: 10.1094/MPMI.2000.13.7.742
pubMed: 10875335