pyoverdin T II
- Norine ID: NOR00168
- DOI: 10.26097/nor00168
- Family: pyoverdin
- Synonym(s): pyoverdin T II;
- Activity: siderophore
- Category: chromopeptide
- Source: norine
- Contributor (creation): Norine Team [CRIStAL (UMR CNRS 9189), ex-LIFL, France, Charles Viollette Institute, ProBioGEM team, Lille, France, University of Lille, France]
- Entry information:
- status: curated - change status to non-NRP (Norine validators only)
- last modification date: 2008-08-22 by Norine Team [CRIStAL (UMR CNRS 9189), ex-LIFL, France, Charles Viollette Institute, ProBioGEM team, Lille, France, University of Lille, France]
- view all entry history
- Type: linear
- Number of monomers: 8
- Monomeric composition :
1 ChrP 2 D-Ser 3 D-Fo-OH-Orn 4 Orn 5 Gly 6 D-aThr 7 Ser 8 OH-cOrn - Graph representation: ChrP,D-Ser,D-Fo-OH-Orn,Orn,Gly,D-aThr,Ser,OH-cOrn @1 @0,2 @1,3 @2,4 @3,5 @4,6 @5,7 @6
- Atomic structure:
Peptide's atomic structure image is not available because smiles is not present.
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- gram: negative
- synonyms: Pseudomonas polycolor,Bacterium pyocyaneum,Pseudomonas pyocyanea,Bacillus pyocyaneus,Bacillus aeruginosus,Micrococcus pyocyaneus,Bacterium aeruginosum
- taxid: 287 (view NCBI taxonomy browser)
- Links between organisms producing the pyoverdin T II: Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- A fast screening method for the identification of siderophores from fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. by liquid chromatography/electrospray mass spectrometry
Budzikiewicz H, Fuchs R, Kilz S, Lenz C, Journal of mass spectrometry : JMS , 1999, Apr,34(4):281-90.
DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1096-9888(199904)34:4<281::AID-JMS750>3.0.CO;2-M
pubMed: 10226359
- Structure elucidation of a pyoverdin produced by Pseudomonas Aeruginosa ATCC 27853
Meyer JM, Taraz K, Budzikiewicz H, Lefevre JF, Tappe R, Journal für praktische Chemie , 1993, 335:83